In Astrodhyan, we offer Vaasthu services, by checking your home plan or floor plan and suggesting what should be constructed where. At present, we are providing site visits in and around Hyderabad upon prior appointments. Site visits to other places is also possible at the interest of the persons availing our services.

Vaasthu is one of the most important Vedic subjects that is related to living places like houses, buildings, residential areas etc. and their design, structure, architecture and construction style. It also deals with the way of construction of towns, known as ‘Pura’Vaasthu, construction of temples, known as ‘Aalaya’Vaasthu, construction of temple towers, known as ‘Gopura’Vaasthu etc. The Vaasthu related to house construction is the most popular one, and is known as Gruha Vaasthu.

Vaasthu Shaastra is one of the aspects of Vedas and also called as Sthaapaathya Veda, and has always been utilized by Vedic people in their engineering and construction since ages. The structures built in accordance with vaasthu promote proper movement of cosmic energies in and around them and prevent negative influences from interfering and disturbing the mind and body of all people living in the surroundings.

Vaasthu is also considered as a part of Universal Natural law as per the Rishis of Vedic origin. It means one who lives in a house built as per vaasthu can attain all the four Purshaarthas of Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha, whereas others may not attain Moksha as they may fail to achieve any of the first 3 Purshaarthas.

Vaasthu is popular not only with Hindus or India, it is known all over the world.  Its validity has been recognized by intellectuals of many countries. The world’s largest Hindu temple at Angkor Wat, Thailand stands as a testimony to the principles of Vaasthu. Many of the ancient temples constructed In India have been standing since thousands of years because they have been constructed perfectly in coherence with vaasthu principles.

A house constructed as per vaasthu will bestow health, wealth and prosperity in the family, prevent unforeseen bad incidents, diseases and difference of opinion among the family members. Every person has influence of Vaasthu upto 40% of his destiny, the remaining 60% being the effect of Jyothisha. The remedial measures taken by checking the horoscope and the results of Rashi as per yearly almanac may not be sufficient to turn the life of the person positively if that person is living in a house that is against vaasthu.

For a prosperous life, apart from utilizing the knowledge of Jyothisham, using the knowledge of vaasthu is also essential. There is also a sound relation between Jyothisham and vaasthu. While vaasthu considers the importance of eight directions namely East, South-east (Aagneyam), South, South-west (Nairuti), West, North-west (Vaayavyam), North and North-east (Eeshaanyam), Jyothisham correlates them to the eight planets, namely, Ravi, Shukra, Kuja, Rahu, Shani, Chandra, Budha and Guru respectively. Close relation between Jyothisham and vaasthu is considered while explaining the destiny of a person and also suggesting remedial measure to resolve problems in his life.

Usually in Jyothisham the birth star and lagna of a person are primarily considered for explaining the destiny of that person, while in vaasthu it is the first syllable of the name of the person which is considered for deciding his favorable directions. Vaasthu Shaastra provides the results of living in houses or plots of various shapes and the kind of soil in which the house is constructed. In modern India, the type of houses constructed are varying from the perfect Vaasthu houses constructed in ancient India. In some cases where alterations to buildings is not possible, Vaasthu Shaastra suggests remedies of installing Yantras like Matsya, Drishti, Naraghosha, Kubera, etc. yantras.