Results for the year Krodhi 2024-25:

These results are applicable based on your Janma Rashi (Moon-sign). The corresponding stars (janma taara) are provided for every Rashi:

ariesMesha (Aries) – Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika 1st paadam:
In this year, you may have new problems, disrespectful incidents in society, adequate income due to Jupiter in second house and change of place to employees due to Rahu in twelfth house.

Vrushabha (Taurus) – Krittika 2,3,4 paadas, Rohini, Mrugasira 1&2 paadas:
In this year there may be transfers with promotion to employees, best time for women, success in life due to the power of Saturn and Rahu despite Jupiter occupying birth sign and achieving high status.

Mithuna (Gemini) – Mrugasira 3&4th paadas, Arudra, Punarvasu 1,2,3 padas:
This year there may be favourable time for business people, change of place to employees, auspicious activities at home due to Jupiter in twelfth house and successful foreign travels to students. 

Karkataka (Cancer) – Punarvasu 4th paadam, Pushyami, Alsesha:
During the year, there may be foreign travels to students, transfers with promotion to employees, happy life to women, comfortable life, house constructions and vehicular gain. Saturn in eighth house may not trouble much. 

Simha (Leo) – Magha, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1st paadam:
During this year there may be change of place to employees, change of residence to tenants, auspicious activities at home and marriage to unmarried persons.

Kanya (Virgo) – Uttaraphalguni 2,3,4 paadas, Hasta, Chitra 1&2 paadas:
In this year you may have mental sorrow due to unexpected bad incidents, losing courage, good time for students, favourable foreign travels, losing close relatives and attending funerals of paternal, maternal and spouse’s side relatives.

Tula (Libra) – Chitra 3&4 paadas, Swathi, Vishakha 1,2,3 paadas:
You may have long distance transfers to employees, vehicular comforts, profits, sudden halt in auspicious activities at home and not so good performance of students. During this year, Jupiter may not trouble much even though placed in eighth house.

Vruschika (Scorpio) – Vishakha 4th paadam, Anuradha, Jyeshta:
You may have development of fixed assets, vehicular gains, employment to the unemployed persons, one of the best years in your life and house constructions or purchasing land. This year may be good in all the ways.

Dhanus (Sagittarius) – Moola, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha 1st paadam:
You may have transfers with promotions to employees, comfortable life, upper hand in every matter, favourable court matters and auspicious activities at home. This year also may be favourable.

Makara (Capricorn) – Uttarashadha 2,3,4 paadas, Sravana, Dhanishta 1&2 paadas:
You may have resolving issues, clearing loans, marriage to the unmarried, residential gains due to the strength of Jupiter, vehicular gains and auspicious activities at home. Effect of seven and half year Saturn may get reduced to some extent.

Kumbha (Aquarius) – Dhanishta 3&4 paadas, Shathabhisha, Poorvabhadra 1,2,3 paadas:
Due to the effect of seven and half year Saturn, there may be losses due to providing indemnity, being booked in court cases, many troubles to employees, health issues, lack of peace of mind and getting entangled in unexpected problems. 

Meena (Pisces) – Poorvabhadra 4th paadam, Uttarabhadra, Revathi:
You may have facing accusations for issues not created by you, good time to students due to the strength of Jupiter, losing your confidence and employees facing blames. Effect of seven and half year Saturn and Rahu in birth sign may be more.