These results are applicable based on your Janma Rashi (Moon-sign). The corresponding stars (janma taara) are provided for every Rashi:

ariesMesha (Aries) – Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika 1st paadam:
You may have happiness due to progeny, vanquishing enemies, slight enmity with women in the month end, unreasonable quarrels, obstacles to development, good finances, health gains, increase in self-confidence, happiness due to mother and vehicular comforts. Even during this month, people of all fields may gain due to favourable planetary movements.

Vrushabha (Taurus) – Krittika 2,3,4 paadas, Rohini, Mrugasira 1&2 paadas:
In this month, there may be comfortable travels, vehicular comforts, completion of works due to new acquaintances, successful business and profession, resolving past issues, good health and hearing good news in family. This month may be favourable in all the ways due to favourable planetary movements.

Mithuna (Gemini) – Mrugasira 3&4th paadas, Arudra, Punarvasu 1,2,3 padas:
During this month, you may have good relations with family members, spouses to discuss every matter before taking decisions, success in everything, favourable business and profession, getting rid of financial problems, starting new works, hearing good news and help and cooperation from others.

Karkataka (Cancer) – Punarvasu 4th paadam, Pushyami, Alsesha:
There may be profitable new acquaintances, happiness due to family and children, being joyous and energetic, profits due to women, favourable speculation, increase in income, transfers to employees with promotions, support from higher officials, doing divine activities and hearing good news. This month may be good in all the ways with favourable business and profession.

Simha (Leo) – Magha, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni 1st paadam:
You may have taking loans, enmities in family and with siblings, attending funerals of mother’s side relations, troubles, lack of sleep, lack of bodily comforts, monetary expenditure, everything against you, lack of peace of mind, not feeling like working, health problems, eye and head pains, disrespect from close people and financial problems. Even during this month, situation may not be favourable.

Kanya (Virgo) – Uttaraphalguni 2,3,4 paadas, Hasta, Chitra 1&2 paadas:
There may be being blamed, facing disrespect, transfers to employees, change of place, change of residence, being cheated by trusted persons, lack of peace, expenditure more than income, troubles due to halting of works, family troubles, attending funerals and enquiring and enmity with friends and relatives. This month may not be favourable due to planetary movements in twelfth house.

Tula (Libra) – Chitra 3&4 paadas, Swathi, Vishakha 1,2,3 paadas:
This month, you may have mediating in others’ matters, meeting politicians and spiritual leaders, unfavourable speculations, health gains, recovery of debts, starting new works and favourable land related transactions. Even during this month your words may not have any opposition. People of all fields may have successful business and profession.

Vruschika (Scorpio) – Vishakha 4th paadam, Anuradha, Jyeshta:
In this month, you may have family happiness, happening of some important incidents, transfers to employees and promotions to some, successful business and profession, adequate income, resolving issues and acquiring new vehicle. This month may be good in all the ways due to favourable planetary movements.

Dhanus (Sagittarius) – Moola, Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha 1st paadam:
This month there may be attending auspicious activities, unforeseen expenditure, unexpected monetary loss, wasting money due to friends, mixed results in speculation, success in everything, good health, satisfactory financial transactions, managing with courage, resolving past issues and travels.

Makara (Capricorn) – Uttarashadha 2,3,4 paadas, Sravana, Dhanishta 1&2 paadas:
During this month, you may have change of place, transfers to employees, troubles due to children, problems due to enemies, unexpected changes, facing any number of issues with courage, troubles due to planetary movements in eighth house, being booked in cases and losses due to giving guarantee to others.

Kumbha (Aquarius) – Dhanishta 3&4 paadas, Shathabhisha, Poorvabhadra 1,2,3 paadas:
There may be slight health problems to spouse, losses in long distance travels, incidents causing fear and anxiety, unnecessary monetary expenditure, enmity for speaking anything, inability to complete any work, lack of success in everything, being blamed, disrespect, financial problems and enmity with friends and relatives. In this month, planetary movements may not be favourable.

Meena (Pisces) – Poorvabhadra 4th paadam, Uttarabhadra, Revathi:
During the month, you may have timely receipt of money in some or the other way, happiness due to progeny and family, gains from auspicious activities, meeting government officials, completion of works which were halted initially and expenditure more than income. This month there may be mixed results, with success in some and lack of success in some others.