Astro Current Affairs

Results for the year Krodhi 2024-25:

For the current new year Sri Krodhi, King, Sasyaadhipathi and Neerasaadhipathi is Mars, Minister, Commander-in-chief, Arghaadhipathi and Meghaadhipathi, is Saturn, Dhaanyaadhipathi is Moon and Rasaadhipathi is Jupiter. Among these Navanayakas, seven lordships went to malefic planets and two lordships went to benefic planets.

As Mars is the king there may be highest temperatures during summer. The North India there may be 50C temperature in Rajasthan. In both the Telugu states there may be high temperatures resulting in heat and sultriness, shortage of drinking water and loss of life due to sunstrokes. There may be rains at the end of Chaitra maasam.

Across the country there may be average rain fall in this year. In some places there may be more rainfall and that other places less rainfall. Even during this year there may be more natural calamities. In North India rivers may overflow. In Uttarakhand, highways may be closed due to landslides. Metropolitan cities may drown resulting in halting public life. Water reservoirs in both states may not be full but may have adequate water. There may be more thunder strikes in this year. Some cities may have more damage.

Due to Kuja Sthambhana yoga in Gemini and Cancer and conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Taurus from July second half to August last week, there may be bad time for the country resulting in flight and train accidents, troubles to ex and deputy ministers, several unexpected incidents, heavy fire accidents and earthquakes.

As Saturn got four lordships and Mars got three lordships, situation may not be favourable at national and state level. The rulers may face several ups and downs. Central and state governments may start several welfare schemes, and may seriously try to execute them. Many new projects may be inaugurated.

In this year, overall global food production may be less resulting in shortage of food grains in some countries. In some African countries there may be food related serious shortage. In East and North East countries there may be major earthquakes resulting in loss of properties and life. Across the world there may be war like environment, scare of war with the bordering countries, military action may surprise the whole world. Across the world there may be recession but India may not be affected much.

There may be success in Bhaarath’s space research. Our country’s situation may be economically sound. The industrial development may progress. This year may be good for sports field with achievement of victories.

There may be accidents related to road, train and flight.

There may be more production of rice and wheat. The food grain storage in the country may be high. There may be more demand to banana and coconut and good production of coffee and tea. Red lands and sandy lands may have more production. Varieties of oils may have more production and exports. There may be slight reduction in the production of sugar, turmeric and jaggery resulting in their high demand. Root products may have more demand.

Aqua industry may run well. It may be favourable for poultry industry also. Cattle prices may increase. There may be troubles of animal fodder shortages. The fodder rates may increase. Goats, sheep and chicken prices may increase. Dairy industry may run well. Dairy farmers may have good profits due to high demand for milk. There may be more new small dairies.

In this year, clove, cardamom and other spices may have more demand and high prices. The stockists of these spices may get more profits. Vegetable farmers may have more income. Onion, tomato and garlic may have more demand. Crops related to low lands may yield more. Red grains, tobacco, chillies and cotton may have more yield and may have more demand. New pests may reduce the yield to some extent.

Current Year Information

Quarterly Results for India

Jul 1st to Sep 30th:

Even during this time, depressions in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea may transform into cyclones and cause heavy losses, in states like Gujarat, TN, Kerala, Orissa, AP, etc. Due to the cyclones crossing the coast between West Bengal and Orissa, people of that area may have highest losses. The government may take proper action at appropriate time.

All water bodies may be full. Metros like Mumbai and Hyderabad may submerge and general life may come to a halt in some places due to 2-3 days of rain.

There may be extensive rainfall in the states of Telangana and AP with canals, streams and rivers like Krishna, Godavari, Tungabhadra and Penna, etc. over flowing, crossing and flowing over the danger marks in some places.

The Central and State Govts, may extend cooperation with each other. The bills forwarded by Central Govt. may be supported. During this time, due to conjunction of two or three planets and due to the placements of all planets between Saturn and Ketu, many planets being in sixth and eighth positions or first and seventh positions with respect to each other, the rulers may have some or the other problems every day. Administration may not move ahead smoothly.

Even during this time, there may be high monetary loss and loss of life due to fire accidents. In mountainous regions like Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Assam, there may be landslides due to high rainfall causing the closure of national highways. There may be new diseases to crops and high losses to farmers due to fall in production because of scarcity of pesticides. There may be war like environment with bordering countries. Some groups of people may go on strike.

There may be earthquakes in Eastern and North Eastern countries, Nepal and Pakistan, with a magnitude of more than 6.5 on Richter scale. There may be earthquakes in Australia and New Zealand. There may be war like environment in West Asian countries.

There may be success in space research and sports.

Days of Combustion (Moudhyami Days):-

1.Sukra Moudhyami: From 28th April 2024 Chaithra maasa Krishna paksha Chathurthi Sunday till 8th July 2024 Aashaadha maasa Sukla paksha Thritheeya Monday.

2.Guru Moudhyami: From 7th May 2024 Chaithra maasa Krishna paksha Chathurdashi Tuesday to 7th June 2024 Jyeshta maasa Sukla paksha Prathipada Friday.

3.Sukra Moudhyami: From 18th March 2025 Phalguna maasa Krishna paksha Chathurthi Tuesday to 28th March 2025 Phalguna maasa Krishna paksha Chathurdashi Friday.


General Predictions for World and Specifically for India:

1.King – Mars:
Mars: As Mars is King, there may be high losses to farmers due to new varieties of diseases to crops, record high fire accidents and vehicular accidents in the country leading to loss of life and high loss of property, senior leaders going to jail, court verdicts coming against them, severe difference of opinion in every family, enmity between spouses and brothers, strict administration, war like environment with border countries, strong war of words between ruling and opposition parties, ongoing wars at some or the other part of world, attempts for truce failing, leaders being very determined, lack of consensus between employees and  management, high natural calamities in North and North West states and loss of life and property. 

2.Minister – Saturn:
Saturn: As Saturn is Minister, there may be army being lethargic in certain matters and taking late decisions resulting in certain losses in spite of which regaining more due to last minute action, army taking certain severe decisions, more women joining in defense forces, increase in the strength of defense forces, more robberies in states and country, fear and anxiety to people due to fire and electricity related weapons, high vehicular accidents, processions and strikes in various places due to privatization of mines and minerals like iron and coal and acquiring new weapons for army.

3.Commander-in-chief – Saturn:
Commander-in-chief – Saturn: As Saturn is commander in chief, there may be military acquiring new weaponry, defense forces becoming strong, Bhaarath becoming internationally famous, West Asian countries going to wars, natural calamities troubling countries like USA, war like environment with bordering countries, unreasonable fears in people, changes in constitution, making new laws, war like environment with bordering countries, loss of life, political turmoil, high prices, troubles to business class, some prominent politicians being convicted and military acting lazy and waking in the last minute.

4.Sasyaadhipathi – Mars:
Mars: As Mars is Sasyaadhipathi, there may be slight fall and rise in the prices of ground nut oil, seeds, paper, wood, machinery and coconut, politicians facing ups and downs, dairy industry doing well, increase in animal prices and prices of animal fodder, good yield from reddish lands, excited actions by people and leaders, enmity between ministers, more monetary pressures on middle class people, increase in suicides, more yield to red grains like bengal gram, chickpea, chillis and more yield to red soils, but loss of crops to some extent due to new diseases.

5.Dhaanyaadhipathi – Moon:
As Moon is Dhaanyaadhipathi, there may be white crops yielding good, price rise of grains and rice, exporting due to high production, more yield of wheat, more export of basmati rice varieties, good demand to cotton, development of woolen and other textile industries, good rains, people in the country living comfortably with good health, dairy animals producing more milk, development of dairy industry and people aged between 20 to 30 being affected by psychological diseases.

6.Arghaadhipathi – Saturn:
As Saturn is Arghaadhipathi, there may be special profits to business people, loss of property and loss of life due to more fire accidents in the country, people protesting against privatization of mines, development of less privileged people who may also get higher berths in governments, share market growing record high, fall in the prices in the all items, followed by steep rise again, commerce field facing ups and downs, new laws troubling the business people, good demand for oil varieties, sesame and groundnuts and increase in prices of cement, iron, coal and stone.

7.Meghadhipathi – Saturn :
As Saturn is Meghaadhipathi, there may be more dangers of cyclone, high rainfall in western states and western cities halting the general life of public, water reservoirs in the country being filled with water, high rainfall in mountainous regions, loss of life due to landslides, collapsing of houses, closing of highways in some places, Northeast and Southwest monsoons entering into the country in time but rains getting delayed, less rains due to obstruction of clouds by winds and more clouds but less rain.

8.Rasaadhipathi – Jupiter:
Jupiter: As Jupiter is Rasaadhipathi, there may be construction of many new temples, people becoming happy as court verdicts come favourable on disputed sites, increase in demand to juicy crops due to entry of Jupiter into Taurus, good production of sugar cane, increase in demand to soap nut, turmeric, black pepper, jaggery, sugar and tamarind, fall and rise in price of coconut but losses to farmers due to fall in production, religious leaders, monks, pontiffs etc. performing more worships, spiritual concerts, congregations, fire sacrifices, more worship of gods and increase in spiritual activities of people. 

9.Neerasaadhipathi – Mars:
As Mars is Neersaadhipathi, there may be good yield in red lands, people facing fear and anxiety due to new diseases, loss of property and loss of life due to high number of vehicular accidents and fire accidents in the country, bad deaths, the prices of metals like gold, silver and copper coming down slightly and then raising high, special profits to stockists, high demand to bengal gram, more demand to items like sandal, incense, aromatic products, corals, red cloths etc., more production of pomegranates, high demand for various types of sandalwoods, increase in quarrels in every family, youngsters committing suicide to lack of confidence and differences between friends.