
Everybody is born in this world to face the result of the karma of their earlier births. Unless such karma is faced, one cannot get rid of it. As a result of the earlier karma, one faces happiness and sorrow in this birth. Though man likes to be happy, it is certain that he faces sorrow. Sometimes the hardships of life can make man depressed. But life is a mixture of good and bad. It is impossible for anybody, whatsoever, to remove the bad and sorrow from the life or to remove the previous births’ karma that we must face now.

Astrology, what we can do is, we can perform grahashanthi and other remedies with which we can bring down considerably the level of sorrow to bearable levels. We can also increase our patience, mental strength and courage to face the troubles in life with a smile. Though Astrology cannot exhaust all the karma of past lives, it can soothe it’s effect so that we can experience a better life. Astrology can guide our life and decision making in life so that we can create a good future for us, both materialistically and spiritually. It can guide us to do more good deeds in order to nullify the effect of bad deeds and also increase our noble action, for a better after life and superior rebirth.

Astrology or ‘Jyothisha Shaastram’ is the science of knowing the past, present and future based on the astral constellations, their arrangement into Rashis (Signs), and movement of grahas(heavenly bodies) in the Rashis. Astrology is a science based on facts and lengthy calculations.

We all know that Moon, one of the grahas is responsible for the tides in the oceans. Psychologists say that there is an effect of Moon on the man’s mind. Due to the movements of Earth and the heavenly bodies, particularly the Moon, we experience the fortnights, months, seasons and they affect the living forms like the plants, birds, animals, etc. Similarly, due to Sun, day and night are occurring, due to which we are calculating weeks, months, seasons and years. These measures of time and seasons bring us our crops and fruits. In this way one can say there is a clear impact of grahas on our world. Astrology analyses these effects in depth, with respect to grahas and stars and their impact on mankind.

In ancient India, Jyothisham was studied in “Gurukula”s or classical schools as a “Vedanga” or an Aspect/Subject of the Vedas, studied as a part of ‘Shadangas’ or the six basic subjects of Vedas: Shiksha, Kalpam, Niruktam, Chandas, Vyakaranam and Jyothisham. All students of Vedas were taught the basics of Jyothisham as it is the most practical subject for people in all walks of life. All professional studies can be conjoined with astrology in order to get the desired result in the expected time. Professions like Commerce, Medicine, Engineering, Meteorology, Law, Public Administration, Management, Journalism, Fashion designing, Arts and Sports etc. can be properly guided and directed with the knowledge of astrology to achieve the right result at the right time.

The directional science of astrology alone can give the totality in efficiency and achievement to all the professions in the world. The life of a person moves on as per the planetary position in his horoscope. All aspects of life are governed by the 12 ‘bhavas’ in the birth-chart. Education is a significant and basic aspect of life of all persons. The knowledge about what education a person partakes and to what extent he or she can be successful in studies can be well known from the horoscope of that person.

Vedic Astrology – the eyes of Vedas

Astrology is the future teller. It gives auspicious dates and times for performance of all activities. It provides the vision for small and big activities of mankind. Imagine a world without dates and times, it would be directionless. Astrology gives everyone the sense of direction in day to day life with respect to past, present and future.

In Vedic tradition, all activities are based on auspicious times provided by the Jyothisham. Therefore Jyothisham is regarded as the eyes of the Vedas.

In Astrology, the calculations related to planets and stars, their rising and setting, and other movements with respect to our planet earth are provided in detail.

The sunrise and sunset, starting and ending times of stars, starting and ending times of ‘tithis’ or lunar rotations around earth, the Rahu and Gulika kaalaas, Amrutha ghadiyas etc. provided in the almanac for daily use are calculated in Jyothisham for providing day to day direction to mankind.

Vedic Marriage – Special Explanation

Many people often think a lot about what kind of girl/boy to be selected for marriage and face confusion in this aspect. They may select some or the other match for marriage. After marriage, we are noticing now-a-days that the couples are divorcing after six months or an year. Why is it happening like this? It is for this reason that our ancestors have described various aspects which should be looked into while performing marriage.

The horoscopes of the couple can be matched for marriage. At present most of the people are able to draw up their horoscopes. Those who do not have horoscopes can know certain things based on their name.

How do we decide whether a couple can get married based upon their horoscopes or names? Will their marital life be good? How do we answer this question?

First the birth stars or the stars related to their names have to be known. Each star is related to an animal as established by the Maharshis. The animals of the couple may or may not match. If the animals do not match the couple may quarrel. They may have difference of opinion with each other and less affection due to which they may not be in a position to continue their marital life effectively and whole heartedly and may eventually get separated.

I. The following are enemy animals:

Deer – Dog, Cow – Tiger, Snake – Mongoose, Lion – Elephant, Horse – He Buffalo,  Monkey – Goat, Cat – Mouse.

  1. Anuradha and Jyeshta are not compatible with Arudra due to Deer – Dog situation. Similarly
  2. Rohini, Mrugasira with Uttaraashaadha – Snake – Mongoose
  3. Dhanishtha, Purvaabhaadra with Bharani, Revathi – Lion – Elephant
  4. Uttara Phalguni, Uttaraabhaadra with Chitra,Visakha – Cow – Tiger
  5. Purvaashaadha, Sravana with Kruttika, Pushyami – Monkey – Goat
  6. Magha, Purvaphalguni with Punarvasu, Aslesha – Cat – Mouse
  7. Ashwini, Sathabhisha with Hastha, Swathi – Horse – He Buffalo

As per the above list it is better to perform marriages between people born in stars which do not have incompatible animal combination. This aspect of match making is called as ‘Yoni Matching’..

II. Matching of Ganas:

What are Ganas? Each star is classified under a Ganam. There are 3 types of Ganas:

  1. Deva Ganam
  2. Raakshasa Ganam
  3. Manushya Ganam

Upon matching the nakshatras of the couple if both of them are born in any of the same Gana it is compatible. Also, Deva Gana – Manushya Gana is good, Deva Gana – Raakshasa Gana is not good and even Rakshasa – Manushya Ganas is not good. Ashwini, Mrugasira, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Hastha, Swathi, Anuradha, Sravanam and Revathi come under Deva Gana Nakshatras. Bharani, Rohini, Arudra, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Purvashadha, Uttarashada, Purvabhadra, Uttarabhadra – Manushya Gana Nakshthras. Kruttika, Aslesha, Magha, Chithra, Vishakha, Jyeshta, Moola, Dhanishtha, Sathabhisha are Raakshasa Gana Nakshathras.

III. Compatibility between Rashis:

Marriage can be conducted between the couple by knowing their birth sign or sign based upon their names and checking for lack of shashta-ashtaka combination. But marriage can be conducted between Mesha and Vruschika Rashis even though they are in Shashta-ashtakam as the lord of both the rashis is Kuja. Similarly the case of Vrushabha and Tula rashis, where Sukra is their lord. The marriage between the following rashis should be avoided:

  1. Mithuna – Makara
  2. Karkataka – Kumbha
  3. Simha – Meena
  4. Kanya – Mesha
  5. Vrushcika – Mithuna
  6. Dhanus – Karkataka
  7. Makara – Simha
  8. Kumbha – Kanya
  9. Meena – Tula
  10. Vrushabha – Dhanus

These Rashis have shashtaashtakam in between them. It means from one rashi the other rashi should not be 6th or 8th.

The above 3 issues should be considered after the match is done as per the match making chart in which at least 18 Gunas have to be obtained. In such case the marital life of the couple will be successful. If the Gunas matching is less than 18 then the marriage cannot be recommended. But inspite of Gunas being lower than 18 if the 7th house, 4th house and family house in the horoscopes of the couple are good then the Gunas obtained may not affect their marital life. Therefore if the marital life is strong as per planetary position in their horoscopes, then the matching related to the above 3 i.e. opposite enemy animals, ganas and rashis may be set aside along with the Gunas. As far as possible the horoscopes of the couple must be verified for matching, else the star based on the name can be considered.

Classical Doubts related to Marriage:

Sometimes a doubt arises that if the birth star of the bride and the groom are same can the marriage be performed?

The answer to the question is in case of some stars it can be done. For Ashwini, Kruttika, Rohini, Mrugasira, Arudra, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Magha, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Hastha, Chithra, Vishakha, Anuradha, Purvashadha, Uttarashada, Shravana, Uttarabhadra and Revathi stars, if the bride’s and the groom’s stars are the same marriage can be performed. For Bharani, Ashlesha, Swathi, Jyeshta, Moola, Sathabhisha and Purvabhadra stars if the birth stars of the bride and the groom are same then marriage should not be performed. Marriage can be performed even though the birth signs are same except for the above 8 stars.

Some stars may exist in 2 rashis. In such case if the birth stars of the bride and groom are same marriage can be performed if the first rashi belongs to the groom and the following to the bride. For e.g. Kruttika 1st padam falls in Mesha, 2, 3, 4 padas come under Vrushabha. In this case if Kruttika 1st padam belongs to groom and 2, 3, 4 padas belong to bride then marriage can be performed.

In case of some stars marriage is not recommended as per shastras. If the groom’s and the bride’s birth stars are respectively Vishakha-Magha, Vishakha–Shravana, Ashwini-Sravana, Uttarabhadra-Mrugasira, Kruttika–Ashlesha, Ashlesha-Swathi, Chitra-Purvashadha, Anuradha–Dhanishtha, Dhanistha–Bharani, Sathabhisha-Kruttika, then marriage is not recommended. But if the strength of the planets and the strength of the Lagna are good then marriage may be performed.