1. Is Jathaka Kundali enough for predicting future?
Jathaka Kundali is the most important chart for predicting future of an individual. The jathaka chakras and other calculations like Shadbalas, Ashtakavarga, Mahadasha and Yoginidasha charts, etc. are all used for prediction. But Janma Kundali and allied calculations based on date of birth and time of birth alone are not sufficient for accurate predictions. The current planetary positions or “Grahachaaram” is equally important for providing accuracy in predictions. It is worked out based on Janma Rashi or Moon-sign at birth.

2. What is 7 ½ year Shani?
Saturn or Shani takes 2 ½ years to pass through each sign. The 7 ½ year Shani is a phenomenon in which the person faces various problems like obstacles at work, delay in many activities in life, bad health, depression, physical strain, etc for 7 ½ years, starting from the time of Saturn’s entry into the Sign just before the birth sign of a person and ending at the time of Saturn’s movement out of the Sign next to the birth sign of the person. Saturn moves through 3 signs in total during this time. Remedial measures to Shani is compulsory during this time.

3. What is Manglik or Kuja Dosham?
Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosham is a dosham (fault or problem) caused by the placement of planet Mars or Mangal in the following places in birth chart: Lagna (ascendant), 2nd, 4th,7th,8th and 12th places. The result of this dosham is the life partner of the person having Kuja Dosham may face death or physical injury. This dosham can be cancelled if such life partner also possesses Kuja Dosham. If one of the partners has it and the other doesn’t, the one who doesn’t have it will suffer. Hence it is advised that person with this dosha marry one who possesses it, and a person who doesn’t suffer from this dosha marry only a person without this dosha.

4. What is Kaalasarpadosham?
Kaalasarpadosham is a dosham caused by Rahu and Ketu, when all the other 7 planets fall in between Rahu and Ketu, when checked in a clock-wise manner. Kaalasarpa dosha can be of various levels and accordingly the bad effects are faced by the person. Usually this dosha affects during the first 33 years of life or the next 33 years.

5. How to check good time for travel?
Good time for travel has to be computed as per the Tara-balam or “stellar-strength”. There are 27 stars in total. The stars have to be serially counted from the birth-star of the person and the upto the star on the day of travel and that number has to be divided in counts of nine. The star numbers 1,2,4,6,8,9 are good for travel. The rest should be discarded as unfit for travel.

6. How to match stars for marriage?
Vedic Astrology provides a chart for match making between the birth stars of bride and bride-groom. The chart has to be followed for finding the points for matching. The maximum points are 36 and marriage is recommended if atleast 18 points are obtained. Match-making chart can be found in Panchaangam or Vedic Almanac. After matching the birth stars, remaining aspects like doshas, planetary positions should be checked by the astrologer to recommend the marriage.

7. I know my birth star, what is my birth sign?
There are 27 stars spanning over 12 Rashis or Signs. Each rashi is divided into 9 paadas (parts or legs). Every 4 paadas is counted as a star starting from Mesha (Aries). The birth stars, rashis with related paadas is as given below: Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika 1st paad – Mesha Krittika 2,3 & 4th paadas, Rohini, Mrigasira 1&2 paadas – Vrushabha Mrugasira 3rd & 4th paadas, Arudra, Punarasu 1,2,3 paadas – Mithuna Punarvasu 4th paad, Pushyami, Aslesha – Karkataka Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni 1st paad – Simha Uttara Phalguni 2, 3, 4th paadas, Hasta, Chitra 1 & 2 paadas – Kanya Chitra 3 & 4th paadas, Swati, Vishakha 1,2,3 paadas – Tula Vishakha 4th paad, Anuradha, Jyeshtha – Vruschika Moola, Poorva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha 1st paad – Dhanus Uttara Ashadha 2,3,4 paadas, Sravanam, Dhanishtha 1 & 2 paadas – Makara Dhanishtha 3 & 4 paadas, Shathabhisha, Poorva Bhadra 1,2,3 paadas – Kumbha Poorva Bhadra 4th paad, Uttara Bhadra, Revati – Meena.

8. Difference between Western and Indian Astrology
There are few differences between western and Vedic methods of Astrology. Some of them are major while some are minor. The significant differences are brought out here for general understanding. Western astrology uses Sun-signs while Vedic astrology uses Moon-signs for current planetary position based predictions. While western astrology is based on solar calendar, Vedic astrology used lunar calendar adjusted to solar calendar with an extra month every few years. Vedic astrology is also called as Nirayana Paddhati as it does not use “Ayana” while western astrology is called Sayana Paddhathi as it undergoes “Ayana.” Vedic Astrology is more accurate compared to western astrology.

9. What is the role of karma and fate in astrology?
Life moves forward as per the birth chart and the mahadashas in horoscope. Fate is what a person has to face in life. Fate can be predicted through a strology. Man’s present birth is a result of earlier births’ karma. The karma which a person has to face and experience in this life occurs through his present horoscope. Though man faces his past karma now, all life is not just only karma. There is God’s will that happens in the form of fate. T he person has to face not only his karma, but God’s will in the form of fate. Both karma and such fate can be observed through the eyes of astrology. Remedies can be performed to reduce the pain of suffering or negative effects. However, karma cannot be eliminated by doing grahashanthis or other remedies. Whatever man has to face in this life is certain to be faced. With the aid of astrology, we can only reduce the negative effects or make the life comfortable, but the karma which a person has to face cannot be eliminated.

10. What is Navagrahashanthi?
Navagahashanthi is the process of pacifying the grahas (planets) and removing their negative effects. It happens by the performing Japam (chanting), Tharpanas (offering holy waters), Homam (fire sacrifice) and Daanam (donating grains). Every graham has its own count of number of times the mantra (holy words) should be chanted, number of times tharpanas are given, number of times Havis (ghee and other offering) is given in Homam and the quantity of grains to be donated.

11. What is Lagna/ascendant?
Lagna or ascendant is the first Sign from which various Bhavas or houses are counted and used for prediction. Every person is born in a particular bhava. Technically, the related sign with respect to the place where a person is born is his Lagna.

12. What is the difference between manual and computer astrology? The astrology software used in the computer makes the same calculation as the manual calculation. The prediction has to be given by the astrologer based on such calculations. Therefore, calculations-wise there is no difference. In some softwares, the computer makes some predictions too, but the final interpretations have to be made only by an astrologer.

13. How to determine star on the basis of names? Sounds have relation with stars. A person born in a particular star has relation with the respective sound or syllable of that star and it’s paada. Therefore the first letter or Naamaaksharam of that person’s name should start with that sound or syllable nearer to that sound. The sounds and the corresponding stars with paadas can be seen in the Panchaangam or Astro-almanac. Panchaangam is released every year and it contains all the basic information of astrology for the year and in general. It contains the table showing the 108 syllables for all the 108 paadas of total 27 stars, from which the Naamaaksharam of every person can be known.

14. What are moodhas/combustion?
Moodha/ Asthangathva or combustion is a phenomenon where a planet looses it’s powers and becomes weak for being too close to Sun. Usually a planet gets combusted when it exists at a distance less than 10 degrees from Sun. The results of a combust planet will be somewhat similar to that of a debilitated planet.

15. How accurate should the birth time be?
For accurate predictions, birth time should be as exact as possible. The deviation cannot be more than or less than 2 minutes from birth time.

16. If two people are born at the same time, will they have same kind of life?
When two people are born at the same time, their horoscopes will be similar, provided they are born at the same place. With the change of place, longitude will change, hence changes start appearing in their horoscopes. However, if there are genetic differences, some changes can be noticed between the lives of both the persons, for example, if the person is born in a spiritually inclined caste, his approach will be spiritual and if he is born in a noble class of rulers, his approach towards life will be administrative. Except for that, other things in their lives will be similar.

17. Are there any differences between Astrology in North and South India?
Vedic Astrology is same in North and South Indias. Some minor points like the design of the chart or starting day of lunar month differ. They are insignificant differences. The way prediction is also the same.